About Us

Most of the time during the Accident Benefits Claim, the Auto Insurance Company are conducting Insurer’s Examinations by medical practitioners who serve their own interest to determine if the injured person is entitled to receive accident benefits and financial compensation. As a result, in most of the cases, the accident benefits are stopped even though the injured person is really in pain and need.

Therefore, it is very important for the injured person to ensure that the medical evaluations are performed by an Independent Evaluation Facility, which will handle their case with objectivity and honesty in order to determine their real health situation and financial needs.

Omnis Evaluations Centre is an independent evaluation centre, which is conducting different specialized medical evaluations/assessments, psychotherapy and driving anxiety rehabilitation treatments for people injured in motor vehicle accidents to provide an independent opinion about the client’s present complaints, objective health status and any appliable recommendations for further examinations and rehabilitation.

Upon request, we provide transportation to the assessment’s location when the clients are not capable of driving themselves.
Omnis Evaluations Centre